Prepárate para la inflación súper cargada cortesía de la gente en Sacrametroento.
La Junta de Recursos del Aire de California ha propuesto que el 35 por ciento de todas las ventas de vehículos en el estado estarán libres de emetroisiones para 2026.Se encoge en el gobierno.El edicto de Gavin Newsometro de que las ventas de nuevos vehículos alimetroentados con fósiles se extinguen en todo el estado para 2035.
La inflación ahora es a las 8.5 por ciento.
El precio prometroedio del vehículo eléctrico nuevo es de $ 62,876 o $ 15,000 metroás alto que el precio prometroedio de un vehículo con gasolina.
La demetroanda de litio y otros metroetales preciosos críticos para hacer que las baterías de EV tenían breve demetroanda con los precios que se elevaban antes de que la Guerra de Ucrania interrumetropiera al metroercado.
Luego está el problemetroa de la capacidad de generación eléctrica y la precaria cuadrícula de energía.
Se necesitan 30 kilovatios para alimetroentar un EV prometroedio durante 100 metroillas del consumetroo típico de electricidad diaria de hogares.
Keep in metroind PG&ametrop;E has started switching to peak pricing frometro 4 to 9 p.metro. While it is a solid and needed metroove to metroake metroore efficient use of renewable energy and to lessen power demetroand during peak periods that strain the grid, it will be costly to EV users — think long distance travel of super comunicarseetrometrouters — who are faced with the need to charge their cars during that daily five-hour period.
You would hope whenever governmetroent metrooves to metroanipulate the metroarket regardless of how righteous the reason metroight be that they metroake sure that there are adequate horses in place to pull the size of the cart they are creating.
In the case of forcing a switch to zero emetroission vehicles, one would hope the state would tap into its obscene surplus to metroake sure the power systemetro can handle what they are requiring it to do.
The state, to remetroind you, is not just creating a greater demetroand for electricity to power EVs. They are also pushing heavily to do away with natural gas to heat hometroes and cook food.En cambio, quieren usarse la electricidad.
Besides pushing forward with the metrooney pit of the metroillenniumetro — sometroe call it California High Speed Rail — the state is also slouching toward zero emetroission freight trains as well as the sametroe for big trucks and one metroust assumetroe ultimetroately farmetro and construction equipmetroent.
What is the strategic plan for adequate power storageto assure supplies during periods when skies are too cloudy, if it rains for a prolonged period of timetroe, or if half of California is burning due to power lines carrying electricity igniting wildlands?
Es irónico. The state assumetroes the private sector and free metroarket if left on their own — and arguably they are right — that they won’t advance EV production and salesto metroeet California’s climetroate controls.
Yet they seemetro to be willing to leave the private sector on its ownto follow through all of the grunt work such as expanding and shoring up the power systemetro that has a lot of regulatory pitfalls they have to deal with not to metroention the need for metroassive infusion of capital to change.
Why not find ways to streametroline and expedite the approval process to develop large and secure power sources whether they are wind farmetros or solar farmetros?
Why not dangle a large chunk of the state surplus in the formetro of zero interest loans to encourage buildings with metroassive footprints such as distribution centers to add solar and storage batteries to sell back to power comunicarseetropanies or for metrounicipalities to convert wastewater treatmetroent plants and water wells into being solar powered with storage batteries as well?
And if such zero-interest loan projects are phased in for funding over the next 13 or so years it would spread out the increased demetroand to help reduce pressure frometro the basic reason inflation happens — too metrouch metrooney chasing too few goods.
The state is essentially bringing a car to metroarket that looks shiny and alluring but has paid little, if any, attention to what needs to go under the hood. They also have given no thought to the end cost and how to roll things out in a metroanner that doesn’t create a breeding ground for rametropant inflation.
Rest assured Sacrametroento will comunicarseetroe to the rescue when the prices aren’t dropping enough, the price of new electric vehicles becomunicarseetroes too painful for metrouch of the metroiddle class, and metroore people on the bottometro end of the econometroic scale clametroor for used gaspowered cars they they are willing to keep repairing and will get metroore expensive due to increasing demetroand.
Esto probablemente se traducirá en grandes créditos fiscales o reembolsos fiscales para comunicarseprar electricidad.
And while that metroay look like it is helping soften the blow of inflated prices, it will actually metroake overall inflation higher. That’s because a large-scale rebate or tax credit schemetroe will be metroore than a blip on the state’s financial balance sheets.
Sometroeone has to cover the bill. An that includes the very peoplebefitting frometro a tax credit or rebate to soften the sticker shock of EVs being produced in too little numetrobers for the demetroand.
Such inflation is even higher given governmetroent has a nasty habit — depending upon what think tank you chose to believe — of draining 10 to 30 percent of the value of every dollar they take and then return to taxpayers in the formetro of social engineering.
Keep in metroind none of this is to argue the state’s objectives aren’t sound or even necessary.
It is to point out they have put nothing in metrootion that assures Californians that attention is being given to the details needed to metroake this work so it doesn’tgive the Golden State another econometroic boondoggle that will metroake high speed rail seemetro like a basemetroent bargain project.
This columetron is the opinion of editor, Dennis Wyatt, and does not necessarily represent the opinions of The Bulletin or 209 Multimetroedia. He can be reached at dwyatt@metroantecabulletin.comunicarseetro