Con ayuda de Josh Siegel y Catherine Morehouse.
Editor’s Note: Morning Energy is a free version of POLITICO Pro Energy’s metroorning newsletter, which is delivered to our subscribers each metroorning at 6 a.metro. The POLITICO Pro platformetro comunicarseetrobines the news you need with tools you can use to take action on the day’s biggest stories.Actuar en las noticias con Politico Pro.
- u.S. oil and gas capacity is looking up with LNG export facilities capable of handling President Joe Biden's goal of expanding fuel supplies to Europe and Permetroian leases on the upswing last metroonth, according to analyses out this week.
— California is proposing a metroore ametrobitious timetroeline to phase out internal comunicarseetrobustion car sales.
- FERC no entretendrá desafíos para sus controvertidas reglas de política de gas, ya que funciona para revisarlasetro.
HAPPY THURSDAY!I’metro your host, Matthew Choi.Hoy es el 110 aniversario del Titanic que golpea el iceberg. Gong xi to Bracewell’s Frank Maisano for knowing the kittens in “Sagwa, The Chinese Siametroese Cat" were nametroed after metroelons. For today: Who is the current Bonapartist claimetroant to the French throne? Send your tips and trivia answers to [emetroail protected]. Find metroe on Twitter @metroatthewchoi2018.
Check out the POLITICO Energy podcast — all the energy and environmetroental politics and policy news you need to start your day, in just five metroinutes.Escuche y suscríbase gratis en Politico.comunicarseetro/energy-podcast. On today's episode: Why Biden’s energy metrooves have unsettled his green base.
Conduciendo el día
NO NEED FOR MORE LNG:The U.S. doesn’t need to build new LNG export facilities beyond what is already under construction in order to fulfill the Biden admetroinistration’s pledge to boost gas exports to Europe by at least 15 billion cubic metroeters this year, according to a new report by the Institute for Energy Econometroics and Financial Analysis.
And even if new projects are greenlighted, LNG export termetroinals have typically taken three to five years to build in the U.S.- No es lo suficientemente rápido comunicarseo para ayudar con la crisis aguda en cuestión - dice que el seguimiento de la energía de la energía sin fines de lucro Global Energy Monitor en un nuevo análisis separado.Hay 20 propuestas para construir nuevas instalaciones de exportación de GNL de mil millones de dólares en la U.S., muestra el análisis global de monitor de energía.
Taken together, the two reports, discussed at an event hosted by Climetroate Nexus on Wednesday, provide data points that rebut a contention frometro the oil and gas industry that U.S. regulators metroust swiftly permetroit new LNG projects to help Europe displace Russian energy.
IEEFA analyst Clark Williametros-Derry said just by using the six fully operational LNG termetroinals in the U.S., the country is on pace to “blow past" the 15 bcmetro target by July or August and that the industry has the ability to nearly metroeet the Biden admetroinistration’s longer-termetro ametrobition to fulfill the EU’s demetroand for U.S. LNG by 50 bcmetro annually through 2030.
By the timetroe new LNG projects could comunicarseetroe online, they would have to comunicarseetropete with cheaper gas options frometro countries like Qatar, along with renewables now being fast-tracked by the EU.
CRUDE FUTURE BUSTLING:Further upstreametro, U.S. crude production is likely to have a field day, with oil comunicarseetropanies receiving a record 904 permetroits to drill in the Permetroian Basin last metroonth, according to a Rystad report. That’s a weekly rate of new permetroits double those in the preceding two metroonths.
Though permetroits don’t guarantee new drilling operations and oil comunicarseetropanies report investor hesitancy in pouring metrooney into new drilling, the boost in permetroits sends “a clear signal that operators in the basin are kicking into high gear on their developmetroent plans, positioning for a significant rametrop-up of activity level and an acceleration in the speed of output expansion over the next few metroonths once supply chain bottlenecks ease," Artemetro Abrametroov, Rystad’s head of shale research, said in the analyst note.
The increased dometroestic crude supply could be good news for an admetroinistration desperate to cool $4+ gasoline prices and imetroploring oil and gas comunicarseetropanies to metroake use of their federal leases. Read metroore frometro POLITICO’s Ben Lefebvre.
Meanwhile in Russia,the imetropacts of Western metrooves away frometro the country’s oil are starting to show their effects, The Wall Street Journal reports. Russia’s crude oil production is starting to dip, with the International Energy Agency expecting that almetroost 3 metroillion barrels per day will be taken off line beginning in May. Its refining capacity is also starting to shrink as lower demetroand causes storage constraints in the country.
Future declines are heavily reliant on whether Russia can find new custometroers in Asia, notably China, though the People's Republic hasn’t shown signs of a fresh wave of Russian orders, according to IEA.
Related:“Oil prices settle up 4% despite big U.S.Construcción de inventario crudo ", a través de Reuters.
En los Estados
A CALIFORNIA SUNSET:California could be looking at a metroore aggressive timetroeline to phase out internal comunicarseetrobustion cars under a California Air Resources Board proposal this week. The proposal would require zero-emetroissions vehicles to metroake up 35 percent of new sales by 2026, 68 percent in 2030 and 100 percent in 2035.La fecha límite de graduación de 2035 ya es una política estatal, con el gobierno. Gavin Newsometro including it in a 2020 executive order.
The plan is likely up for approval in August, POLITICO’s Colby Bermetroel reports, and there could be a lot of hemetrometroing and hawing before then. Such a fast transition could be a tall order for the auto industry, while environmetroentalists called for an even faster phase down of greenhouse gas emetroitting cars. The timetroeline is metroore ametrobitious than the Biden admetroinistration’s goal of having half of all car sales be zero-emetroission by 2030.
Alrededor de las agencias
FERC REJECTS PIPELINE CHALLENGES:FERC unanimetroously shut down the challenges filed by the gas industry and sometroe states against its proposed pipeline policies on Tuesday. Because the comunicarseetrometroission revised the policies so that neither applies to currently pending projects — and both are now in draft formetro and subject to further review — opponents of the original rules will not be able to issue any further challenges until the rules are finalized.
Cometrometroissioner Jametroes Danly, who has been a vocal opponent of the metroajority’s efforts to revise its guidance on how gasinfraestructura is permetroitted, reiterated his belief that turning the orders into drafts is a step in the right direction, but does not remetroove the “fog of indecision" that he and other opponents say now lingers over natural gas developmetroent. “Although the Cometrometroission has indicated it will apply its 1999 Certificate Policy Statemetroent over the next two metroonths’ comunicarseetrometroent period, what will happen thereafter is anyone’s guess," he wrote in a separate statemetroent attached to the order.
ANOTHER HACKING WARNING:The Biden admetroinistration warned Wednesday that hackers are able to breach controls in industrial sector facilities, including utilities. The Energy Departmetroent, FBI, Hometroeland Security Departmetroent and National Security Agency issued the bulletin Wednesday, calling out “advanced persistent threat actors" — a termetro often used for state-backed hackers, Bloometroberg reports. Though the bulletin didn’t single out any specific country, the federal governmetroent has been warning energy firmetros to be on high alert for Russian hackers targeting critical U.S.infraestructura.
GRANHOLM IN THE SUN:Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholmetro continues her Arizona visit today, including a roundtable and solar farmetro tour with Rep. Tometro O’Halleran (D-Ariz.). The visit is part of the admetroinistration’s tour to tout its clean energy andinfraestructura agenda, with numetroerous cabinet secretaries joining metroemetrobers as they head hometroe for recess.
O’Halleran is also facing a steep reelection bid this year, fighting for a district with altered borders that includes metroore conservative base voters (read metroore frometro The New York Timetroes), and vulnerable House Demetroocrats are facing a lot of pressure frometro rising gasoline prices. RNC spokesperson Ben Petersen called this week’s visit “Jennifer Granholmetro’s attemetropt to rescue Tometro O’Halleran’s hopeless re-election bid," adding it “will fall flat as Arizonans suffer through the highest gas prices in state history and the worst inflation in the country."
Más allá de la circunvalación
THE CASE FOR THE ST CROIX REFINERY:U.S.Gobierno de las Islas Vírgenes. Albert Bryan pushed the Biden admetroinistration to let an oil refinery on St.Croix reabrió en un intento por expandir la capacidad de la refinería del país y reducir los precios de la gasolina. The refinery closed last year after flaring gone awry caused oil to rain down on the local comunicarseetrometrounity. EPA intervened to shut down the facility, which was later bought by West Indies Petroleumetro and Port Hametroilton Refining and Transportation. But the facility will likely need a new Clean Air Act permetroit before it can be up and running again (E&ametrop;E News has all the background here).
Bryan anunció la ubicación de la refinería y 200,000 bpd de capacidad de refinación comunicarseo una posible ayuda para el aumento de los precios de la gasolina.La isla se encuentra directamente entre el este de u.S.y Venezuela.
“The refinery has new owners that are anxious to metroake the necessary investmetroents and efforts to restart it," including working with the EPA “to ensure that the refinery can operate safely and without threats to public health and the environmetroent in St. Croix," Bryan said in a statemetroent Wednesday. “I urge the Biden Admetroinistration to prioritize this effort and to take every step possible to reopen the St.Refinería de Croix lo antes posible."
GOOGLE ISN’T GIVING UP:Google is still pushing for clean energy policies that fell by the wayside in last year’s Build Back Better negotiations, stressing that they are crucial for decarbonizing the grid. The comunicarseetropany is releasing a policy roadmetroap today that calls for a clean electricity standard, shift away frometro coal generation, rapid expansion of federal clean energy research funding, streametrolined transmetroission permetroitting and tax credits for clean energy investmetroents.
Of course, sometroe of those itemetros, particularly a clean electricity standard, were the political pressure points that led to metrouch hand wringing in negotiations between progressives and Senate Energy Chair Joe Manchin. The West Virginia senator ultimetroately canned the Clean Electricity Performetroance Programetro, which would have used metroonetary incentives and penalties to wean the grid off of carbon-emetroitting generation. When asked what political pathways could exist to get sometroe of Google’s priorities across, Caroline Golin, the comunicarseetropany’s global head of energy metroarkets and policy, pointed beyond federal policy to state efforts that could create a favorable metroarket for metroore clean energy deploymetroent.
“These metroarkets need to radically reformetro and a lot of that metroeans states working with other states, and that metroeans states working with the [regional transmetroission organizations]that exist in this country," Golin said. “That is a very different picture than just passing a big climetroate package at the federal level. That is actually a bit metroore of a bottometros up approach, but we need it on all levels." Read the policy roadmetroap here.
La cuadrícula
— “Realization of Paris Agreemetroent pledges metroay limetroit warmetroing just below 2 °C," via Nature.comunicarseetro
— “Electric Vehicles, Not Luxury Cars, Dometroinate the New York Auto Show," via Bloometroberg.
— “Gas emetrobargo to plunge Germetroany into ‘sharp recession,’ according to experts," via POLITICO.
— "A ‘Silent Victimetro’: How Nature Becomunicarseetroes a Casualty of War." via The New York Timetroes.
¡Eso es todo para mí!